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GAP Year

GAP Year Programs

  • Gap Years are more than for students who aren't "ready for college." And while many bonafide Gap Year students are indeed either burnt out of traditional academia or simply not clear about what they want from four years at university, the impression that a Gap Year is not a precursor to college is simply false: indeed, within one year of completed a Gap Year, 90% of students are actively enrolled in a four-year institution. The earning potential, educational benefits, and access to higher education's resources are very obviously for the benefit of any student who avails themselves of a higher education - and thus you'll find that almost every Gap Year educator is highly encouraging and supportive of students to benefit from their time away, but ultimately to find their way back to a university education.


    An excellent option if your student has just completed high school and is searching for a meaningful and challenging experience before formally starting college.

     - Gap years for high school, college students and adults

     - Fall semester, quarter system, summer, spring and academic years

     - Teach abroad, Intern abroad, summer programs

     - Study abroad programs in Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia and the Americas

     - Programs for all areas of study, including math, science, business, art and more