Library Media Center
Trenton High School Library
Hours: Monday - Friday: 7:00 am-3:00pm
Ryan Ferrante, Library Media Specialist | 734-692-4528 |
Sarah Morgan, Library Media Para
Article Databases
You will only need a database password if you are accessing a database from outside of school.
CRAAP Criteria to Evaluate Credible Sources
You can use this document to evaluate the credibility of the sources you find online using the CRAAP criteria.
Student Resources inContext: Access news content including full-text newspapers and periodicals like The Economist, The New York Times, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Science, Smithsonian, and more. Access hundreds of thousands of images, videos, and audio.
Science inContext: Provides contextual information on hundreds of today's most significant science topics. Integrating millions of full-text articles that include national and global publications, 200+ science experiments, 300+ interactive simulations, other multimedia, and top reference content, Science is updated daily and offers over 600 pages on topics across the curriculum, covering biology, chemistry, earth and environmental science, physics, and more.
Opposing Viewpoints: Feattextual information and opinions on hundreds of today's hottest social issues. Continuously updated pro/con viewpoint essays, topic overviews, primary source documents, biographies, court-case overviews, periodical articles, tables/charts/graphs, and more.
JSTOR: JSTOR provides access to more than 12 million academic journal articles, books, and primary sources in 75 disciplines. Explore a wide range of scholarly content through a powerful research and teaching platform.
Points of View Reference Center: Presents multiple sides of over 400 issues. Helps students assess and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues, and develop analytical thinking skills.
NoveList: Contains information on over 260,000 fiction and readable nonfiction titles. Features lists of award-winning books, book discussion guides, Read-a-Like recommendations, and complete series information. Also includes reader ratings and reviews. Create your own reading wish list.
Demographics Now: Researchers and entrepreneurs are provided with comprehensive business and demographic information, create sales leads and marketing mailing lists, complete location analyses and business plans, analyze population trends, find potential sponsors and donors and much more.
Consumer Reports: Provides clear reviews of commonly purchased products. Consumer Reports uses careful research, consumer insights, journalism, and policy expertise to help you inform purchase decisions. Also works to improve the products and services that businesses deliver, and drive regulatory and fair competitive practices.
Art & Architecture Source: Art & Architecture Source is the largest full-text art research database covering fine, decorative and commercial art, as well as architecture and architectural design. With strong international coverage, it offers hundreds of full-text art journals, magazines and books, plus detailed indexing and abstracts and thousands of images.
Project Gutenberg: This site provides access to over 70,000 free eBooks. It includes both fiction and non-fiction books and also provides audio versions of many of the books in its library. The books available through Project Gutenberg are all covered under “fair use” so you can download and print them for free for your own personal use
Global Issues inContext: International viewpoints on a broad spectrum of global issues, topics, and current events. Featured are hundreds of continuously updated issue and country portals that bring together a variety of specially selected, relevant sources for analysis of these issues. Rich multimedia - including podcasts, video, and interactive graphs - enhance each portal.
Academic OneFile: Provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including videos from BBC Worldwide Learning to thousands of podcasts and transcripts from CNN. It includes more than 11,000 peer-reviewed journals (more than 8,000 in full text), and major reference sets including Gale Encyclopaedia of Science and Encyclopaedia of World Biography.
Literary Reference Center: Includes over 14,000 short stories and 54,000+ poems. Covers information on thousands of authors and their works. Topics include: plot summaries, literary criticism, book reviews, novels, and author interviews.
Health Source: Subjects include fitness, nutrition, diabetes, aging, women's health, children's health, and more. Information comes from magazines, books, Clinical Reference System reports, and pamphlets.
Science Reference Center: Contains material from science encyclopedias, reference books, periodicals, and other sources. More than 4,000 full text, full-length biographies. Includes: biology, chemistry, earth & space science, the environment, health & medicine, history of science, life science, physics, science & society, science as inquiry, and wildlife.
Britannica School: Resources including primary sources and references sources in subjects such as people, countries, science, animals, current events, and biographies.
AutoMate: Repair information and schedules, diagrams, parts and labor estimates, service alerts, and recalls. Covers thousands of domestic and imported vehicles.
History Reference Center: Documents, photos, maps, film, and video from leading history journals. Also includes biographies of historical figures.
Learning Library Express:Seven interactive learning centers of academic and licensing/certification practice tests. Click "More" for centers links. Learning centers: High School Equivalency, College Preparation, College, Career Exploration, Adult Learning, School, and Recursos para Hispanohablantes.
explora: Provides hundreds of popular magazines and reference books for high school libraries. Covers subjects such as art, history, sports, and music. Includes thousands of biographies and primary source documents. Also includes photos, maps, and flags.
Business Book Summaries: Provides summaries and key takeaways from recently published books about all business topics. This database is useful when trying to stay informed on the latest trends and practices in business.
eBook Collections
: 172,300+ titles ranging from literary criticism to health, mathematics, sports, and religion. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.
High School eBook Collection: 17,700+ titles for high school students and educators. There is a selection of teacher resources and titles align with Common Core Curriculum Standards. You may access the full text of these eBooks from your computer, or download titles to most popular portable devices.
* Please note: The following is a brief overview of library policies. Please refer to your student handbook and Board Documents for a full description of library policies. Students are expected to follow all THS school policies while visiting the library. Policies on this page are subject to change at the discretion of the library staff.
Student Visitation Policy
- Students must sign in/out on the Chromebook at the entrance
- No eating or food in the IMC
- Water with lids only (must be kept on floor in computer areas)
- No backpacks or book bags
- Respect yourself, others, and the space
- Cell phone use allowed during lunch or before/after school only
- Students visiting from class
- Must have a pass from classroom teacher
- Need to be working on school related tasks
Student Checkout Policy
- Students may checkout up to 5 items at a time
- Checkout limits
- Books: 3 weeks
- Magazines: 1 week
- DVDs: 1 week
- Kindles and Tablets: 2 weeks
- eBooks and audiobooks: 2 weeks
- Calculators: year
- Headphones: 1 day
- Chromebooks: year
- Students may not checkout items for other students
- We do not charge late fines but you will be charged for lost/damaged items
Collection Management Policy
- Criteria for the Development of Media Center Materials Collection Development: The media collection should be developed systematically so that it is well balanced in coverage of subjects, types of materials and variety of content.
- Selection Criteria:
- Materials will be chosen to support and supplement the curriculum, to promote wise use of leisure time, to develop literary discrimination and appreciation, and to encourage students to become 21st century scholars and lifelong readers.
- Materials will be chosen on various reading levels presenting different points of view concerning the problems and issues of the times.
- Books and other instructional materials will be evaluated before purchase, either through direct examination or by consulting reputable, unbiased, professionally prepared selection tools.
- Accuracy, currency, relevance, text features, format, and authoritativeness will all be considered before making purchases of materials.
- Weeding Criteria: Weeding is the removal of materials from a media center collection in a systematic and deliberate way. It is an ongoing part of collection development, a planned and thoughtful action that will ensure library materials are current and enticing.
- The media specialist should weed media center collections regularly in order to improve resource accessibility and maintain collection relevance.
- The following criteria should be considered when weeding a collection: copyright, content, relevance, physical condition, use, supersession and accessibility.
Procedures for Evaluating Challenged Materials
The parent(s)/guardian(s) of any student in the District shall have the right to register a complaint about controversial reading materials that are part of their child’s curriculum. Supplemental material shall be substituted for completing the requirements of the course for that student.
The parent(s)/guardian(s) may notify the teacher in writing using the request for reconsideration form attached to these rules and schedule a meeting with the teacher and/or Principal to set forth the part or parts of the assigned material, which the parent(s)/guardian(s) finds to be objectionable.
Should the parent(s)/guardian(s)exercise the above right, the student shall not be penalized in any way in academic endeavors because of the complaint. In the case of a complaint, the person receiving the complaint shall present the complainant with "the request for reconsideration form," invite the complainant to file objections in writing and notify the building Principal, the school library media specialist and the Director of Curriculum that a complaint has been registered.
When the form has been completed and returned, the review committee composed of the building Principal, media specialist, two (2) subject area specialists and two (2) community members will be asked to evaluate the material in question. Challenged materials shall not be removed from the classroom during the evaluation periods.
The following guidelines shall apply to the evaluation process:
- To examine and evaluate the material as a whole, not based on passages pulled out of context,
- To check appropriate selection aids for evaluation of the material,
- To weigh strengths and weaknesses and form opinions based upon the selection criteria, the appropriateness of material to the reading ability and maturity level of the student, the nature of its use in the educational program, relevance to the curriculum and educational goals of the school, (Cf. 7800)
- To meet to discuss the material and prepare a written report containing conclusions and recommendations within 30 days,
- To direct the written report to the Board, and
- To send the complainant a copy of the written report.
If the complainant is dissatisfied with the decisions of the media review committee, an appeal of the decision may be made through the Superintendent to the Board for a hearing and final decision. The report shall be discussed with the Board by the members of media review committee.
Teacher Links
Free Digital Resources (by Subject)
AP Environmental
AP Environmental
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Our mission is to protect human health and the environment.
Bureau of Land Management
The BLM's mission is to "sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations." Find info on energy, public land, and how to get involved on their site.
Green Peace International
This web site helps members and non-members alike keep track of all the environmental news from around the world as well as the activities of its member activists.
National Council for Science and the Environment
Here you can research the current environmental news from a wide variety of sources, learn about the NCSE and read it's science policy.
The Sierra Club
This site includes everything from where to recycle your old eyeglasses to the best place to view the humpback whales. There are discussions and articles about upcoming governmental policies and opportunities to become involved
US Forest Service
The Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands. Find policies, budget info, forest service history, mission, maps, and photos on their website.
US Geological Survey
Provides information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, natural hazards, natural resources, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and usable information
US National Park Service
The NPS cares for our national parks. You can find park information, National Park history, information on how to get involved, and other national park resources on this site.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRCS works with landowners through conservation planning and assistance designed to benefit the soil, water, air, plants, and animals that result in productive lands and healthy ecosystems. Here you will find info on different NRCS programs, services, people and news.
English Language Arts
English Language Arts Resources
Purdue OWL MLA Formatting and Style Guide
This resource, updated to reflect the MLA Handbook (8thed.), offers examples for the general format of MLA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the Works Cited page.
Purdue OWL APA Formatting and Style Guide
APA (American Psychological Association) style is most commonly used to cite sources within the social sciences. This resource, revised according to the 6th edition, second printing of the APA manual, offers examples for the general format of APA research papers, in-text citations, endnotes/footnotes, and the reference page. For more information, please consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, (6th ed., 2ndprinting).
The Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab)
Offers over 200 free resources including: Writing and Teaching Writing, Research, Grammar and Mechanics, Style Guides, ESL (English as a Second Language), Job Search and Professional Writing
Use Knight Cite to cite your sources in MLA or APA.
Citation Machine
Tool to help you create your works cited citation page, create citations for books, websites, journals, films, newspapers, and more
Freckle Math
This site provides math instruction in various formats so that you can create a personal learning experience.
Delta Math
This site provides virtual tutoring and lessons to help supplement what you learn in class.
This website has a free virtual graphing calculator that has geometry tool functions.
Desmos Virtual Graphing Calculator
This is a free-to-use virtual graphing calculator. Students can save and share their work after creating an account with Desmos.
Khan Academy
Learn for free about math, art, computer programming, economics, physics, chemistry, biology, medicine, finance, history, and more.
Math Help
In-depth lessons with videos, guided practice, interactive self-tests, and more.
Science Resources
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Our mission is to protect human health and the environment.
Astronomy Picture of the Day
A guide to the scale of the universe and the relative size of things within it.
BBC Human Body
Current News topics dealing with the mind, the body, and sleep
Bureau of Land Management
The BLM's mission is to "sustain the health, diversity, and productivity of America’s public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future generations." Find info on energy, public land, and how to get involved on their site.
Chemical & Engineering News
Ever wondered about what's really in hair coloring, Silly Putty, Cheese Wiz, artificial snow, or self-tanners? C&EN presents a collection of articles that gives you a look at the chemistry behind a wide variety of everyday products
Citizen Science
From Scientific American is a program that highlights opportunities to participate in real science projects
Discovery Education
An education site with resources for administrators, teachers, parents, and students that includes resources, homework help, programs sponsored by Discovery.
Green Peace International
This web site helps members and non-members alike keep track of all the environmental news from around the world as well as the activities of its member activists.
Hubble Telescope
Out of the ordinary... out of this world.
LANL Periodic Table of Elements
Interactive Periodic Table of Elements
Offers information for the public, educators, and students. Find lesson plans based on age range, research tools, podcasts, links, and more
National Council for Science and the Environment
Here you can research the current environmental news from a wide variety of sources, learn about the NCSE and read it's science policy.
Public Library Of Science PLOS
Science and medicine research articles with images, figures, tables and graphs, all licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License.
Science Everyday Life
Includes videos, lesson plans, activities, resources, and virtual labs for teachers, families and students
Science News for Students
Grades 8-10
Space and NASA news: Universe and deep space information
Star Date
A public education and outreach arm of the University of Texas McDonald Observatory. Our radio program airs daily on almost 300 stations. And our popular bimonthly astronomy magazine is the perfect sky-watching companion for anyone interested in astronomical events and space exploration.
The Sierra Club
This site includes everything from where to recycle your old eyeglasses to the best place to view the humpback whales. There are discussions and articles about upcoming governmental policies and opportunities to become involved
US Forest Service
The Forest Service is an agency of the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The Forest Service manages public lands in national forests and grasslands. Find policies, budget info, forest service history, mission, maps, and photos on their website.
US Geological Survey
Provides information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, natural hazards, natural resources, the impacts of climate and land-use change, and the core science systems that help us provide timely, relevant, and usable information
US National Park Service
The NPS cares for our national parks. You can find park information, National Park history, information on how to get involved, and other national park resources on this site.
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service
NRCS works with landowners through conservation planning and assistance designed to benefit the soil, water, air, plants, and animals that result in productive lands and healthy ecosystems. Here you will find info on different NRCS programs, services, people and news.
Why Files
The science behind the news.
Windows to the Universe
Includes a rich array of documents, including images, movies, animations, and data sets, that explore the Earth and Space sciences and the historical and cultural ties between science, exploration, and the human experience
Social Studies
Social Studies Resources
National Archives Catalog
Find millions of documents created or received by members of the Federal government including the President, members of Congress, and government employees.
US Census Bureau Data
Shares US Census data from 2000 to present on income, education, race and so much more through maps, tables and graphs
Selected Historical Census Data
Find US Census data from before 2000 at this site
American Memory
Written and spoken words, images, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps and sheet music that document the American experience
Angel Island Immigration Station Foundation
Read about the history of Angel Island plus find immigrate narratives
Bureau of Labor Statistics
An independent statistical agency that provides information an various topics related to labor in the US
CIA World Factbook
Find information on the history, geography, economy, and so much more on over 250 world entities
CIA World Leaders
A directory of Chiefs of State and Cabinet Members of foreign countries
The Continental Congress and the Declaration of Independence
A Library of Congress site that includes various documents from Continental Congress meetings that led to the creation of the Declaration of Independence.
Ellis Island Foundation, INC.
Here you will find family histories, digital photo collections and an interactive timeline
Fordham Internet History Sourcebooks
Ancient, Medieval and Modern history primary sources from all over the world
German Propaganda Archive
Multiple forms of propaganda available for viewing, 1933-1945, great primary sources
Global Issues
There are over 550 articles on this site. The issues discussed range from trade, poverty and globalization, to human rights, geopolitics, the environment, and much more. Spread over these articles, there are over 7,000 links to external articles, web sites, reports and analysis to help provide credence to the arguments made on this web site.
Google Earth
Explore the world through different types of maps
History Matters
The U.S. survey course on the web. A highly regarded gateway to web resources as well as a repository of teaching materials, first-person primary documents, and guides to analyzing historical evidence for high school and college students and teachers of American history
Library of Congress Digital Collections
Find everything from historic newspapers and photos to historic websites and early sound recordings
Multimedia archive on the Supreme Court of the United States including audio recordings, information on the justices, and information on Supreme Court cases
Population Reference Bureau
Statistics on world population, health, and environment; create custom maps and charts
The Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
Includes more than 60,000 letters, diaries, maps, pamphlets, printed books, newspapers, photographs, and ephemera that document the history of the United States
The Valley of the Shadow
This project details life in two American communities, one Northern and one Southern, during the Civil War. Explore thousands of letters, diaries, newspapers, speeches, census and church records left by men and women in Augusta County, Virginia and Franklin County, Pennsylvania.
UN Data
Find stats on crime, education, population, health, environment, etc. on different world countries along with links to country websites
United States Department of Labor
Find Information on wages, unemployment, working conditions, youth & labor, and so much
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
Contains an encyclopedia on the Holocaust as well as interactive maps and exhibitions
US Department of State
Policy issues
US Department of State
Country fact sheets and background notes
US Geological Survey
Provides information on the health of our ecosystems and environment, natural hazards, natural resources, and impacts of climate change
US House of Representatives
Information on US Representatives, legislative activity and an explanation of The House
US Senate
Information on US Senators, legislation and records, and Senate committees
Overview of government agencies and major government topics, government officials contact information
Information on Presidential actions, White House Issues, the administration and our government